Monday, December 31, 2007

Graphics Designing Jobs

Graphic design offers a diverse choice of specialties, ranging from commercial and industrial design (cars, furniture, appliances, etc.) to advertising media (merchandising, marketing, Web design, newspapers, and publishing). Of the more than half a million designer jobs in the United States, positions in graphic design comprise about 40 percent.

The impact of design is everywhere - in the layout of People magazine, on your Starbucks coffee cup, in the logo of this site, and perhaps in the design of the chair you're sitting in right now. It would take a page or more to list all the positions available in the industry, so what's important to know is that there are many specialties and you can choose whichever direction most appeals to you.

In spite of the millions of dollars made by advertising firms and by the companies they represent, the graphic designers are not at the top of the heap when it comes to the big bucks. With salaries averaging in the mid-thirties, you can expect to make a decent living, but as with any job, it's time, talent, and advancement that will bring the promotion to Creative Director and the bigger salary that goes with it. Freelancers, quite common in the industry, can also make good money, but must bear the costs of running their own business and the financial risks of operating solo.


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