Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Get Scholarship for US Education

Following are organizations that provide international student scholarships and financial aid:
1. The Fulbright Grant:

Fulbright grants are available for international students in graduate school. The flagship international educational program sponsored by the United States Government, the Fulbright Programme (http://www.iie.org/Template.cfm?section=Fulbright) provides grants for Graduate Students, Scholars and Professionals, and Teachers and Administrators from the U.S. and other countries.
2. Rotary International:
This organization provides some limited international student scholarships.
3. AAUW:
This organization provides fellowships for international graduate students who are women.
4. American Councils for International Education:
The councils provide international student grants and fellowships to international students from the former Soviet republics.
5. Presidential Award
This is for non-resident and International graduate students who have met graduate school requirements.


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